
What are the percentages of success in using Hemaway booster ?

97 people out of 100 report that the treatment with the ointment in combination with the diet treats all symptoms (based on the collection of testimonies and follow-up of users).

Who is the Hemaway Booster treatment suitable for?
› For anyone who suffers from hemorrhoids of any degree of severity
› For those who suffer from hemorrhoids for the first time
› Those who suffer from internal hemorrhoids
› Those who suffer from bleeding hemorrhoids
› For those who have been recommended to undergo hemorrhoid surgery
› For those who had surgery and the hemorrhoids returned
› Women: hemorrhoids during pregnancy, hemorrhoids during childbirth, childbirth and after

How long does it take to see results?

Most evidence of relief comes from the first hours to several days. The length of time is individual and varies from person to person due to variable factors such as age, health status, dietary habits, nature of work, lifestyle, stress and tension, and for women also pregnancy and childbirth. Additional and influencing factors are the nature of the hemorrhoids and the length of time one suffers from the hemorrhoids.

What is the advantage of Hemaway Booster treatment over other products andtreatments on the market?

The Hemaway Booster treatment restores to the tissues the components they need to heal as quickly as possible, without side effects and perpetuating the existing condition.
The elasticity returns to the hemorrhoids and causes them to shrink and return to their natural size.
External hemorrhoids shrink and go back inside and internal hemorrhoids shrink and stop bothering. In addition, the paste contains natural emollients that work without any side effects. In contrast, synthetic drugs contain chemical numbing agents like lidocaine, which anesthetize the pain.
I tried another natural ointment and it didn't help me why would this help We do not compromise on the quality of the raw materials and together with a precise combination of raw materials, dosage and strength and experience and integrity of over 27 years do their job.
The main proof is that many come to us from word of mouth recommendations, family doctors,surgeons and proctologists

How does Hemaway Booster treat pain?

There are analgesic components in Hemaway Booster treatment that are natural pain relievers.
In addition, Hemaway Booster has antispasmodic components - which relax the contraction that is automatically created by the pain. The antispasmodic components and Dime also accelerate the flow of fresh blood to the area and contribute to rapid healing.

Is it important to follow a suitable diet as part of the treatment?

Our many years of experience shows that treatment of the excess acidity of the intestines is a catalyst for the treatment of hemorrhoids (and fissures) and in any situation of digestive problems.That's why we recommend a diet suitable for establishing intestinal acidity.
Therefore, with great love and investment, from 20 years of experience and knowledge. We prepared an exclusive brochure! which is written in detail. In the booklet you will find what to eat and what not to eat, arranged according to the Bible along with simple and convenient recipes for all hours of the day and suitable even for those who work and find it difficult to prepare food, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The booklet also contains short articles and explanations that we think are important for you to know, recommendations on food supplements and other tips so that the problem does not return!

Why should you drink oregano oil? And how do you drink?

Oregano oil helps and treats all problems related to the digestive system.

Balances excess acidity in the stomach and digestive system. Relieves digestive problems. For Candida and Helicobacter oregano oil is the first choice!

The oregano oil is optional, but as we wrote, highly recommended! In case of difficulty with the taste, you can replace the oregano oil with olive oil, which also has wonderful properties for health, or with coconut oil.
The oregano oil can be mixed and drunk with water + lemon. You can also sip the spoon and then water with lemon. What is suitable and more convenient and tasty.

In any case, after the treatment, it is recommended to continue drinking oil in the morning - oregano/olive/cocosine oil prevents you from continuing to drink the oregano oil, even after the end of the treatment.
You can purchase a larger quantity from us at a special price !

The symptoms are of hemorrhoids but there is also bleeding, what does this mean?

There is a situation where internal hemorrhoids, swell internally after exiting, put pressure on the nerves in the area and cause a sharp pain sensation like a knife or a foreign body causing great suffering and immense pain. This phenomenon can appear with light bleeding that has stopped or not.

Along with the swelling of the hemorrhoids, there can also be a scratch that forms on the hemorrhoid because the tissue of the hemorrhoid becomes thinner due to the swelling. The intensity of the pain and bleeding depends on the food we ate.

And there may also be a fissure.

And if there are both hemorrhoids and a fissure?

Talk to us.. We usually recommend starting with one ointment, with the most painful problem at the moment.


Who is Hemaway booster fissure treatment suitable for?

› For those who suffer from external/internal fissures
› For a bloody fissure
› Before fissure surgery
› After fissure surgery and fissure again
› Pregnant and postpartum women

How long does it take to see results?

Most evidence of relief comes from the first hours to several days. The length of time is individual and varies from person to person due to variable factors such as age, health status, dietary habits, nature of work, lifestyle, stress and tension, and for women also pregnancy and childbirth.

What is the advantage of PisorX treatment over other products on the market?

The FissureX treatment does what is really needed to treat a fissure: quickly fuses the damaged and cracked tissues and passes the tissue In addition, the ointment contains natural emollients that work without any side effects. On the other hand, synthetic drugs contain chemical numbing substances like lidocaine that numb the pain' also cause side effects that are sometimes unpleasant and unpleasant.

How does Hemaway booster fissure treat pain?

Hemaway booster fissure treatment contains components that are analgesics, natural pain relievers. PisorX also has anti-spasmodic components that relax the contraction that is automatically caused by the pain. The antispasmodic components also accelerate the flow of fresh blood to the site and contribute to rapid healing.

Our many years of experience show that treating the excess acidity of the intestines is a catalyst for the treatment of fissures/hemorrhoids and any digestive problems. That's why we recommend a diet suitable for establishing intestinal acidity.

Therefore, with great love and investment, from 20 years of experience and knowledge. We prepared an exclusive brochure! which is written in detail. In the booklet you will find what to eat and what not to eat, arranged according to the Bible along with simple and convenient recipes for all hours of the day and also suitable for those who work and find it difficult to prepare food, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The booklet also has short articles and explanations that we want you to know, Mel Read about food supplements and other tips so that the problem does not return! And if there is both a fissure and hemorrhoids?

Talk to us..... We usually recommend starting with one ointment, with the most painful problem at the moment.