are external hemorrhoids forever

are external hemorrhoids forever

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Are external hemorrhoids forever? This is a common question among those who suffer from the discomfort and pain associated with this condition. While external hemorrhoids can be a bothersome and painful problem, the good news is that they are not typically permanent. With the right treatments and lifestyle changes, you can find relief and improve your quality of life.


What are External Hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels located in the lower part of the anus and rectum. They are different from internal hemorrhoids, which develop inside the rectum. External hemorrhoids can be seen and felt on the outside of the anus. They can cause itching, bleeding, and discomfort, making it difficult to carry out daily activities.


Causes of External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the main causes is increased pressure on the veins in the rectal area. This can occur due to straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation, pregnancy, obesity, or sitting for long periods of time. Other contributing factors include a lack of fiber in the diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and certain medical conditions such as liver disease or chronic diarrhea.


Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids

The symptoms of external hemorrhoids can vary from person to person. Common symptoms include itching, pain, swelling, and bleeding during bowel movements. You may also notice a lump or bump around the anus. These symptoms can be uncomfortable and may affect your daily life. It's important to pay attention to any changes in your body and seek treatment if necessary.


Treatment Options for External Hemorrhoids

There are several treatment options available for external hemorrhoids. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms and the underlying cause of your hemorrhoids. In mild cases, over-the-counter creams and ointments may provide relief. These products contain ingredients such as witch hazel or hydrocortisone, which can help reduce inflammation and soothe itching.

For more severe symptoms, your healthcare professional may recommend prescription-strength medications or procedures such as rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy. These procedures involve cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoids or injecting a solution to shrink them. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the hemorrhoids completely.


Home Remedies for External Hemorrhoids

In addition to medical treatments, there are several home remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of external hemorrhoids. One of the most effective home remedies is taking warm baths. Soaking in a tub of warm water for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day can help reduce pain and swelling.

Applying a cold compress or ice pack to the affected area can also provide temporary relief. Avoiding excessive wiping or rubbing the area can prevent further irritation. Instead, use gentle patting motions with soft toilet paper or a moistened wipe.


Prevention Tips for External Hemorrhoids

Preventing external hemorrhoids is possible with a few lifestyle changes. One of the most important steps is maintaining good bowel habits. This includes avoiding straining during bowel movements, staying hydrated, and consuming a diet high in fiber. Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help soften the stool and make it easier to pass.

Regular exercise is also beneficial for preventing hemorrhoids. Physical activity helps improve circulation and promote regular bowel movements. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time, as this can increase pressure on the veins in the rectal area.


Lifestyle Changes to Manage External Hemorrhoids

Managing external hemorrhoids often involves making long-term lifestyle changes. These changes can help prevent future flare-ups and improve overall well-being. In addition to the prevention tips mentioned earlier, maintaining a healthy weight is important. Excess weight puts additional pressure on the veins in the rectal area, increasing the risk of hemorrhoids.

If you smoke, quitting smoking is highly recommended. Smoking can weaken blood vessels and impair circulation, making it more difficult for the body to heal from hemorrhoids.


When to See a Doctor for External Hemorrhoids

While external hemorrhoids can often be managed with home remedies and over-the-counter treatments, there are certain situations when it's important to see a doctor. If your symptoms persist or worsen despite self-care measures, it may be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Additionally, if you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or a lump that doesn't go away, it's important to seek medical attention.


Surgical Options for External Hemorrhoids

In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to treat external hemorrhoids. Surgical options include hemorrhoidectomy, which involves removing the hemorrhoids through surgery, and hemorrhoidopexy, which involves stapling the hemorrhoids to reduce blood flow. These procedures are typically reserved for severe cases or when other treatments have been unsuccessful.



External hemorrhoids are not necessarily a lifelong condition. With the right treatments, lifestyle changes, and preventive measures, you can find relief from the discomfort and pain associated with external hemorrhoids. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your specific situation. Remember, taking proactive steps and seeking appropriate treatment can improve your overall well-being and quality of life.

What are external hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels located under the skin around the anus. They can cause discomfort, itching, and pain. Unlike internal hemorrhoids, which are located inside the rectum, external hemorrhoids can be seen and felt.

Are external hemorrhoids permanent?

No, external hemorrhoids are not permanent. They can be treated and managed effectively with the right approach. While some cases may require medical intervention, many external hemorrhoids can be resolved with self-care measures and lifestyle changes.

How long do external hemorrhoids last?

The duration of external hemorrhoids can vary from person to person. In most cases, external hemorrhoids may last for a few days to a few weeks. However, with proper treatment and care, the symptoms can be alleviated and the hemorrhoids can shrink and disappear.

What are the treatment options for external hemorrhoids?

Treatment options for external hemorrhoids include:

  • Over-the-counter creams and ointments: These can help reduce swelling and provide temporary relief from symptoms.
  • Sitz baths: Soaking the affected area in warm water can help relieve pain and itching.
  • Increased fiber intake: Consuming more fiber-rich foods and drinking plenty of water can help soften the stool and make bowel movements easier.
  • Topical treatments: Applying cold packs or witch hazel pads to the affected area can help reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Medical procedures: In severe cases, medical procedures such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, or surgical removal may be necessary.

Can external hemorrhoids come back?

While external hemorrhoids can be effectively treated and resolved, there is a possibility of recurrence. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a high-fiber diet, regular exercise, and proper hygiene practices to minimize the risk of recurrence.

When should I see a doctor?

It is advisable to consult a doctor if:

A doctor can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options based on the individual's condition.


External hemorrhoids are not permanent and can be effectively treated and managed. With the right approach, including self-care measures, lifestyle changes, and medical interventions if necessary, the symptoms can be relieved, and the hemorrhoids can shrink and disappear. It is important to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist or worsen to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

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